Tech-enabled Always On Economy
Leaders spend their days in meetings, putting out fires. They usually get to the real work after the formal workday ends and the informal workday begins.
Especially true in Healthcare, where lives and safety are on the line.
Constantly reacting, multiple demands on our time, and have multiple roles to play in the workplace and within our families,
Take a step back and reflect on:
Awareness - thinking realistically about your time by understanding that it is limited
Arrangement - designing and organization goals, plans, schedules, and tasks effectively
Adaptation - monitoring your use of time - adjustments, interruptions, changing priorities
For the process-oriented, OKR (Objectives and Key Results) tracking can help
Another tool is understanding the nature of priorities - are they external, such as taxes or budgets, or internal, such as ‘want to’ or ‘should.’
Discuss what values are being triggered by priorities
What motivator or value does this internal language trigger?
Discuss one assessment tool to understand these values, and how they motivate us (Hogan)
Objectives & Key Results (OKRs) -self-accountability tool reflecting a live tracking of your objectives and progress via Excel format
Control Scale
How to say NO - where do you actually have control?
I have to = external
I need to = internal
I want to = internal
I should = internal
What motivator or value does this internal language trigger?
Hogan Assessment
Contact us!
Lindsey Honari:
X. Carmen Qadir:;
The Time Gap